2023 Age 9-11: Y5/6 Feedback from Day 3 (2023)


Starting lessons with questions or quizzes to ascertain current knowledge made children more condiment and less anxious about the intended lesson. Linking back to prior learning impacted teachers’ planning leading to children being taught more relevant content.

On the move feedback can be just listening and identifying and ‘class’ issues. It is also useful for interacting with ‘strugglers’, getting scoop groups or challenging higher achievers. Misconceptions can be quickly addressed and all children are able to be on task. More children are accessing the learning and making progress from their starting points. TAs are also used positively for on the move feedback. There are opportunities for teacher or TA to question why a specific feature was used, develop an understanding, perhaps leading to a booster intervention. It allows for fluid grouping and develops confidence in all learners, especially lower achievers, as they are no longer reliant on TA support.

One school has ‘live editing’ against the success criteria, taking one child’s work at a time at the visualiser in which they identify the success criteria-where they have been successful and where not and share strategies on how to improve. Children are more aware of where and why success criteria have been used and how improvement can be made. Children feel more valued as all work is celebrated. Common misconceptions are addressed, enabling more progress.

Mid lesson stops can be with the visualiser, iPad or neither and bring focus back to the success criteria. Children are thus more likely to achieve the learning intention.

Cooperative feedback depended on who the partner was in a mixed age class, but in single age classes children have enjoyed this as part of the learning process. Some felt that there is more training to do for cooperative feedback to make sure it is truly useful. Three schools had lots of peer marking which was useful as random talk partners changing weekly meant a range of partners for feedback. In these schools the peer feedback focused mainly on spelling, grammar and punctuation rather than the impact of the writing. The immediate feedback from a peer rather than teacher was received more positively than the perceived judgement of a teacher’s feedback.

Post lesson feedback and marking had not changed in one school as the policy still had to be adhered to. In all other schools there was a lot less marking, especially in maths as this was completed with the children. There is now more time to plan and address misconceptions, more informed interventions and booster groups to support learning.


Most teachers had live marking and found it saved time, gave feedback immediately and allowed for 1-1 conversations, which were most helpful.

Mini plenaries sorted out misconceptions, with task related praise used to motivate others. Children were used to teach each other, with both learning.
English. It was possible to also get children to do on the move feedback. On the move enables you to spot common errors then stop for a mid- lesson stop or write them on a ‘Common Mistakes’ board. Purple pen editing was popular.

Cooperative feedback had had mixed success. Learning partners who work well together were better at this and trios worked best of all.

Post lesson, teachers still took home books, then feedback to the group or whole class. One school was working towards only marking finished pieces of writing.


All teachers had used prior knowledge starter questions which children enjoyed. The teachers had been surprised at how much they knew and the language they were able to use. It was really good to see where to go next with the lesson. It was also helpful for misconceptions as these can be addressed with the whole class before going forward.

On the move feedback lightens the load of marking. IT’s also informative to see how they have grasped the topic. Common misconceptions are identified causing a natural link to pit stops. They like that you are marking th work – it encourages them and raises their self-efficacy.

Learning stops, showing children’s work on the screen is used for success and misconceptions. They are encouraged to magpie work and celebrate marvellous mistakes. Good to show expectations.

Cooperative feedback is used against the success criteria. It helps children’s independence.

Exit cards as mobile phones shows the teacher what they needs next.

Post lesson marking had been minimised and planning more of a focus.