2023 Age 5-7: Y1/2 Feedback from Day 3 (2023)


To establish prior/current knowledge, teachers had used quiz questions, mind mapping and rapid recall from a memory slide.

Immediate feedback took place in every lesson with mid lesson stops asking what is good about this so far? This had a ripple effect on improvement.

Success criteria were called stem sentences in maths in some schools, incorporating mathematical reasoning, language and explanation.

Peer feedback tended to be an editing process.


Lessons starts had included vocab retrieval and good questions for discussions with partners to go over current knowledge for the lessons.

On the move feedback was a constant with mistakes corrected during the lessons. The greatest impact is in the moment. Dots in the margin were given for fabulous mistakes which children were then keen to correct there and then. Different coloured pens were used for correction which could be easily seen by the teacher.

Visualiser stops were sued for Y2 editing stops, focusing on secretarial features, which helped with editing skills. Work was shown under the visualiser with children asked what was good about it. This made children proud of what they had achieved. Being given praise but no stickers was definitely more powerful.

Post lesson marking was at a minimum, with symbols used. Teachers felt they had learnt to make marking more purposeful.


Visualisers were seen as an essential tool in co-constructing success criteria and in having mid lesson learning stops.

On the move feedback helped children improve and understand their mistakes. The quality is better in all subjects.

Pink and green pens and triangles were used to quickly assess.

One school had a post lesson feedback gallery which saved time as it pointed to things to be addressed in the next lesson.

Children leave out their writing books at the end of a lesson so that I can quickly move around the books, assessing the direction of the next lesson.

Ellie Curson


All teachers used prior knowledge questions, prepared in PowerPoint templates. Teachers could see a vocabulary increase each time. This built on previous learning and embedded into long term memory. The repetition helps if children have missed a session.

These worked well as a mental warm up as well as showing the teacher where the children were at.

All teachers did on the move feedback within groups or continuous provision. VF was used in books when there had been verbal feedback. They were able to address problems instantly and see marvellous mistakes. This has reduced workload and allowed for more individualised feedback.

All teachers had mid-lesson learning stops in groups, as is the nature of the foundation phase. Self and peer marking takes place. Again these have reduced workload, instantly addressed misconceptions and helped children to stay on task.

One teacher tried cooperative feedback but this was difficult for children so young. They can revisit success criteria to edit their work.

Activating prior knowledge questions in my reception class is used to help inform my daily introductions. As we work in a carousel format I don’t want to repeat the same introductions. This allows me to check understanding, address misconceptions and retrieve information for deeper level learning.

Jenna Tucker – Burlais Primary